These are the days.

To see the world in all its hues and variations has attracted my attention for a dozen years or more. To seek out beauty becomes an end in itself when part of life is lived in the valleys and foggy greyness of pain.

These past few weeks have me back to the memory of years of living with a thorn in my side; three weeks ago, I ended up with a severe infection from a simple bug going around town and with my medical history that turned into pancreatitis and a much longer recovery. It is at least as painful as it sounds.

These are the days I ask for help and rely on a wheelchair, and a walker, to get around my home. Accepting help brings hope.

These are the days I focus on slow and steady recovery: accepting that two steps forward might be accompanied by a step back. Celebrating milestones.

These are the days I remember my strength and the years I lived in pain and rejoice that these last few years have been without that gnawing. I draw upon that strength.

These are the days, I rest.

We talk of future journeys – of adventures together.

We talk of countries and cities we dream of exploring together.

Of the symbols that tell us a new day is dawning.

Listening. Observing. Participating. Writing. Photographing. Reflecting.

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Anna Blanch Rabe is an Australian-born writer and photographer. You can follow her adventure on Not A Pedestrian Life, or Facebook. For more domestic things take a look at Quotidian Home or her previous website, Goannatree


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