As some of the best content, this list of diplomats’ blogs started for ourselves, and realising it might be useful to others as an article.

List Context: When we list a website as being written by diplomats, we are limiting ourselves to those diplomats serving the USA (although we may expand this definition) around the world. We have separated this list into five sections:

  1. Official State Department Blog.
  2. Not Official but websites with significant breadth and/or range of contributors.
  3. Blogs/Websites written by Diplomats.
  4. Blogs written by Diplomatic Spouses.
  5. Blogs written by Retired FSOs.
Diplomats with Blogs FSO blog diplomat blog

The Official State Department Blog


State Department GCLO – Global Community Liaison Office

The Global Community Liaison Office (GCLO) program supports Foreign Service employees and family members overseas. Previously there was a CLO (Community Liaison Office) and a Family Liaison Office (FLO). The new name reflects a focus on the whole community.

Global Community Liaison Office (GCLO) serves U.S. government direct-hire employees and their family members, from all agencies under the Chief of Mission authority serving overseas and returning to the United States. GCLO’s mission is to improve the quality of life of all demographics and extending services to overseas communities through the management of the worldwide Community Liaison Office (CLO) program.


Their Youtube channel has some good content about Family member employment and entrepreneurship

CLO – Kolkata

Kolkata in northeast India is described as “one of the last great frontiers of the Foreign Service.” This blog is maintained by the CLO and has helpful information about Consumables, Personal Safety, and helpful pre-arrival information.

Not Official but also Full of the gouge on Diplomatic Life


Written by a pseudonymous author, DiploPundit wades into leadership and management issues, realities of Foreign Service life, ambassadors and nominations, embassy report cards, current events in countries and regions which may or may not include prominent U.S. interests, and other developments in the international affairs community. The blog is updated regularly on weekdays and occasionally on weekends. update: This blog ended as of March 2022. We were hoping for a “Dear Prudence” or 007 situation where someone new would take over, but it appears not to be…and now the link no longer works – we are leaving this description here, because diplopundit was gouge of the best kind.

Foggy Bottom Rambles

A blog with information for those on unaccompanied tours – both the FSO and the family member. Last updated in May 2019. Also includes information for Members of Household (MOH). A Member of Household (MOH) is an individual who accompanies or joins a sponsoring employee at a U.S. mission abroad. MOHs are not on the employee’s travel orders but need to be officially declared and approved by the Chief of Mission as part of his/her household. It is important for employees and others to understand that certain privileges and allowances that are extended to EFMs as defined by laws, regulations, and interpretations, often cannot be extended to those who are not on the employee’s travel orders. It is highly recommended that a MOH have adequate medical and evacuation insurance when living overseas.

Foreign Service Problems

A meme-tastic website poking fun at daily diplomat life – heavy on the inside jokes of bureaucracy and alphabet soup. Update in May 2020.

Path to the Foreign Service

A non-official guide to the process for becoming a US Foreign Service Officer (FSO)/diplomat in 2021. Along with a discussion on the process to become an FSO (diplomat), it includes preparation advice for the personal narratives, the FSOT, and the oral assessment. Personally, we did not join their FSO compass membership (paid) but we did find their Facebook group helpful for observing questions others were asking.

Washington Diplomat

The Washington Diplomat is a print and online journal covering international issues from a diplomatic viewpoint. Issues feature ambassador biographies and conversations with officials from various countries. The Diplomat also publishes current assessments on international relations, governance, trade and business, multilateral organizations, charitable projects, economic concerns, and diplomatic challenges.

From their website “The Washington Diplomat popular Culture Section highlights various international events, with reviews on museum exhibits, art, theater, opera, galas and a wide range of other cultural offerings, as well as monthly dining and film reviews — including the largest directory of foreign films and internationally geared cultural events in the city. The Washington Diplomat’s Spotlight section highlights social functions in the area, including balls, galas, fundraisers, national day receptions and other events. Other features include regular updates on embassy appointments and world holidays.”

Tales from a Small Planet – Tales Mag

“Living abroad is … exciting – bewildering – fascinating – confusing – eye-opening – infuriating – self-confidence-building – self-confidence-destroying …” Tales from a Small Planet,, where personal essays, Real Post Reports and Real School Reports tell you “what it’s really like to live there.” As they write:

We’re non-profit, and our mission is to share uncensored and honest information about both the delights (new cultures, fascinating people, unique opportunities, exotic foods) and the challenges (loneliness, loss of identity, struggles to accommodate special needs) of living abroad.

They are always looking for essay submissions if you’d like to share your experiences. This is an excellent resource for bidding and preparing to share your preferences for housing in a specific post.

Whirled View

An academic blog examining public diplomacy from a variety of perspectives. Excellent for understanding the role of the public diplomacy track. Edited by retired diplomats: Patricia Lee Sharpe – Poet, journalist, teacher, a foreign service officer with 23 years of public diplomacy experience in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean – and Patricia H. Kushlis – 27 years of public diplomacy experience in Europe, Asia and Washington, DC as a US foreign service officer. Takes Submissions. Has not been updated since April 2022.

Arms Control Wonk

Over 3000 articles about Arms Control topics. This is a multiple-author website that will make the arms wonk in you happy!

Window on Eurasia

Essays on current events in Eurasia from Paul Goble.

Diplomats with Blogs

Below is a list of blogs and websites written or maintained by diplomats – or their family members. It’s been quite a while (and a couple of websites since I put together an excellent old-fashioned blogroll, but I have read many of these websites and thought you might find them helpful, too). We attempt to keep this list updated (to ensure all the links are functional).

110 to 220

Postings include Ecuador and Algeria. Covers 2015-2020. Notable for the posts about taking his dog on his diplomatic journies around the world.

2 Crabs

Billed as a wanderlust couple exploring the world…one pub at a time. Most recent posts have them in Austria, with past service in South Korea, Canada, Bahrain, and Afghanistan. A recent post from November 2023 has a a fabulous list of all the diplomatic adjacent films and TV shows.

Abu Halen

He has lived for more than 10 years in the Middle East, Latin America, and India with his plucky family of four children, one spouse, and however many plush toys fit into two or three child-sized backpacks.

Address: TBD

Completed A-100 in 2016 after taking the FSOT 3 times. Married to a dual citizen. The first post was to Saudi Arabia. Last updated in 2016.

Adventures around the World

A Public Diplomacy FSO most recently in Lithuania. The blog covers 11 years from 2007 to 2018.

Ben East Books

Author and Diplomat Ben East’s website. Past Diplomatic assignments have included India, Washington, Mexico, Ghana, Nicaragua, and Saudi Arabia. He taught English at the American School of Asuncion; at Brooklyn College Academy in New York, and as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi. Last updated late 2022.


A second career diplomat. The author writes:

I’m a mom, wife, former health care administrator, and now a U.S. diplomat. After an application process lasting 1.5 years (and that was a short timeline!), we joined the Foreign Service in 2011 and moved the family to Virginia to begin our adventure. Our first assignment was the beautiful Dominican Republic. Next, we were assigned to Guangzhou, China, after a year in the U.S. learning Mandarin Chinese. We are currently in vibrant Mexico City! 

Changes and Colors

A tandem Foreign service couple – meaning both partners are FSOs. Covers 2007-2021. Currently in Rome, Italy. Previously in: Nassau, Bahamas; Budapest, Hungary; Baku, Azerbaijan; Reykjavik, Iceland; Beijing, China; Zagreb, Croatia; Phoenix, USA; and Moscow, Russia.

The Chronicles of Chris

Personal blog of a Foreign Service Officer who has served in Pakistan, Israel, Papua New Guinea, Norway, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and now in Montenegro. Active blog with well-written content covering 2003-2021.

Collecting Postcards

A Foreign Service Officer and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. Posts at least monthly. Prior posts include Uzbekistan, Australia, and Mexico. Excellent series on the process of being selected for the Foreign Service – this is a helpful post about QEP and personal narratives. I will say that this was written prior to the 2020 change to personal narratives being submitted prior to taking the FSOT rather than afterwards (and only if you have passed the FSOT). For the Consular Track, we have found their foreign service timeline to be helpful too.

Dehli-cate News

Written by Erica, about her time in New Dehli, India. Full of color and reflections on the expanse of life in this bustling city. It also discusses Embassy enclave life (the activities of other embassies, including learning about the Melbourne Cup – a horse race held each November in Australia). Also the author of Our Africa Home, a blog about 2010-2012 in Nairobi, Kenya, What’s New in Baku: Tales from Life in Baku, Azerbaijan, and Phenomenal Phnews: Tales from Life in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Home Leave Files: Tales from Visits Back to the U.S. This is the first diplomat I have seen construct completely separate blogs for each of their tours.

Diplomatic Mom

“This blog describes my journey as a Foreign Service officer, wife of another FSO and a mom to a boisterous, loving boy. We began our careers with the State Department in 2010/2011 and first served in amazing Bangladesh, followed by fabulous Rio de Janeiro. Then followed a two-year stint in Washington, DC, after which we spend a year in Russia. Currently, we live in stunning Kyiv, Ukraine.” Written by a former attorney, and a tandem FSO.

Hello Talalay

Sarah Talalay is a US Foreign Service Officer. Tours include Chennai, India, Vilnius, Lithuania and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Next stop, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Covers 2011-2021.

Hey Ms Traveler

Beautifully designed and written blog. Prior posts in India, Spain, China, and Vietnam. A prior Rangel Fellow, now FSO. Lived and worked in India, Spain, China, Vietnam, and Brazil while traveling to neighboring countries.


Foreign Service Officer and Pickering Alumna. Their current post is Brazil and the next is new Delhi, India. Mother to three.

Life After Jerusalem

Although not updated since 2018, discusses postings to Kosovo and DC. Explores serving as a diplomat under administrations of different ilks.


Active FSO blog. Helpful Foreign Service Timeline from 2017, especially Public Diplomacy track. Excellent advice on approaching and passing the Foreign Service Oral Assessment (also 2017).

aspiring diplomats
Team Rabe

Not A Pedestrian Life

This entry is here for the inevitable that someone will copy and paste this list as a whole — that’s stealing under US copyright law (and many international treaties)– to put on their own website. But, hey, if they don’t bother to edit it first, then here we are, a couple of nomads (one of whom is a recovering lawyer), a couple passionate about serving to make the world a better place wherever we happen to find ourselves.

We’ve lived in 9 countries between us, including Germany where we lived at the pleasure of the United States Government.

Notes from post

Covers 2016-2021, an early career diplomat whose first post was Djibouti followed by Vietnam. Blogs from 2016-2017 helpfully cover preparation for A-100 and her first post, while recent posts discuss life in the time of the coronavirus pandemic in Vietnam. An early quote reads:

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” And as I switch off my desk lamp for the last time, I encourage each of you to push for the progress you want to see in your job, in your community, and in the world. So here’s to change. And more importantly, here’s to not causing any international diplomatic incidents…

Notes from Post:

The Passport Stamp Collector

A Foreign Service Construction Engineer. This blog has posts from 1996-2021. Past posts include Jordan. Great information if you are looking to become an FSCE, or if you’re trying to improve your Foreign Service Blog.


Artist and Tandem FSO couple whose part postings include Muscat and Niger.

Ramble On – Foreign Service Specialist

An Information Management Specialist (IMS) rambling around the world. Past postings to Riga, Latvia, Stockholm, Sweden, and Caracas Venezuela. After some language training heading to Algiers, Algeria.

Rob Joswiak

Excellent page with information if you’re interested in joining the Foreign Service as a diplomat. including his timeline. Joswiak is also a US Air Force veteran who ran as a Congressional candidate in 2014. This website has a blog but is more of a professional portfolio. A good example for those interested in a public diplomacy FSO’s personal website.

Sadie Abroad

Recently curtailed from Indonesia as a result of the pandemic. Well written and comprehensive posts. FSO with a child.

Skeptical Bureaucrat

Anonymous blog focusing on editorial type pieces on political machinations in DC or about diplomats. Of late, quite a bit on the Harry Dunn case.

Schlink Attack

Blog from 2011-2021 covering postings as a diplomat to Bucharest, Recife, Windhoek and Tashkent.

Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

Blog was started long before this second-career foreign service officer began life as a diplomat.  Financial Management Officer with the U. S. Department of State. Assignments in Bamako, Mali, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Charleson, South Carolina.

Six Abroad

Family of Six, including a IMS (Information Management Specialist) and Editor/Writer (who is now a FS spouse and carer of four children).

Tabbies in Tow

Past diplomatic posts in San Savlador, Bucharest, Bogota, Colombia, Juarez, Mexico. Well written and engaging blog – very much enjoyed the blog about marking 10 years as an FSO.

Travel Orders

A tandem couple in the U.S. Foreign Service. Alex joined in March 2010 and was assigned a public diplomacy job in Cotonou, Benin. Andy joined in January 2013 and took a one-year management job in Washington, D.C. Two children with past postings in Mexico and Chennai, India. Alex is public diplomacy track who actually got a public diplomacy job in her first tour *super rare.* Huge Flag Day roundup post.

Towels Packed, Will Travel

Tandem FSOs, now with kids. Preparing for their fifth assignment on their fourth continent. Most recently in the Philippines.

Wanderlust Diaries

This blog has the best post about the emotional rollercoaster of the bidding process for Foreign Service Officers and their families. Currently in the US preparing for Guinea, this blog written by an FSO covers 2014-2022. Previous posts include China and Malawi.

What Diplomats Do

Former international development consultant and migration researcher, now US diplomat. A dual US-Netherlands citizen, this blog is well-written and thoughtful in examining the work and lives of diplomats. Currently posted to Mumbai, India. The writer has lived in Nigeria, Pakistan, Armenia Germany, and Uruguay. This website shares:

stories and information about diplomacy so that more people (including my own family and friends) understand what diplomats do – both personally and professionally.

World Chump

Travel blog from an FSO covering Jordan (two years), Nepal (two years), Bolivia (three), Tanzania (two and a half), and now Germany.

You can call me Al

Moving to Mexico in 2021. Prior posts include Belize, and Saudi Arabia.

Diplomat Spouses with Blogs

2 Cats. 7 Continents.

Written by an FS spouse. Although this blog hasn’t been updated since 2017, it has a helpful foreign service timeline.


Has a helpful Glossary of Foreign Service (FS) terms. The author says: “I’m a journalist, turned lawyer, turned “trailing” spouse. We’re giving up the world we know for the world at large, following my foreign service officer husband, B, into the unknown. Our 7-year-old, C, and our big brown dog, Miller, are along for the ride as well.”

According to Athena

FS Spouse writes that she hopes:

According to Athena is a helpful and humorous resource for fellow travelers and those joining/thinking about joining the Foreign Service, especially those with dogs! Trigger warning for pet loss. Last updated in November 2022.

Beyond the Cornfields

Written by an FS Spouse. Described as “Follow our unusual life abroad (and sometimes in America) in the foreign service.” Past tours in Bangladesh and Malta. Last updated in 2019 but covers 2009-2019.

Changes and Colours

Short reflections on living “as a foreigner” including language and literature. Past assignments include: Rome, Italy, Nassau, Bahamas, Budapest, Hungary, Baku, Azerbaijan, Reykjavik, Iceland, Beijing, China, Zagreb, Croatia, Phoenix, USA, and Moscow, Russia.

Culture Shock

2014-2020. Most recent assignment was to China and last post was written following COVID related evacuation from Wuhan. Written by the spouse of a diplomat who joined the Foreign Service in 2006 as a second career. Currently on their seventh assignment in Beijing after Washington, DC, Budapest, Islamabad, Mexico City, Dakar, and DC. 

Diplomatic Baggage

Married her college sweetheart who became a Diplomat, and so decided to write about her life as a trailing spouse. Past postings to Muscat, Oman, Budapest, Hungary. Last updated in 2018.


A Foreign Service spouse writes about the adventures of her globetrotting family. Four children (now grown) and her FSO husband. The list of past posts is extensive: Frankfurt, Germany, Manila, Philippines, Lome’, Togo (no, not Tonga), Chennai, India, (3 years in Virginia), Amman, Jordan, and unaccompanied to Baghdad, Iraq.

Healthy Expat Parent

The Healthy Expat Parent is a resource for families and parents in transition. Some of the common issues all parents face can be amplified when a family moves overseas or returns “home” only to find that they don’t fit in anymore

I’m here for the Cookies

Male trailing spouse writes about finding work as an EFM, and his search for the cookies. Yes, actual cookies.

Kids with Diplomatic Immunity

As of November, 2023 living in Surabaya, Indonesis, and before that they lived in Taipei, Taiwan, Washington, DC; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Vienna, Austria; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Toronto, Canada. Previously a contributor to the now defunct Unaccompanied Baggage.

Latitude with Attitude

After entering Foreign Service in 2015, this FSO spouse has spent time in Tajikistan and Georgia.

Like Nomads But with More Stuff

Currently posted to Calgary, the blog covers 2007-2021. Very interesting reflections on being a Jewish FS family serving with DoS.

Looks at the Heart

Past postings to Moscow, Taipai and New Zealand.

“Foreign Service is not the point of my blog, but living in different cultures affects even the most mundane tasks. Similarly, MS crept in and forced me to look at life through a different lens. At times, this silent disease becomes constraining. Thus, my perspectives are filtered through pain. As you read I hope you can see my heart.”

Most Eligible Family

Billed as the “Foreign Service Adventures of a Writer, a Runner, and Two Rugrats.”

Next Stop….the World

FS family writing about their travels. Past postings include Tbilisi, Georgia, Frankfurt, Germany, Suva, Fiji, and Doha, Qatar. Quite useful for understanding life in these countries as the author has pros and cons lists for each post, like this pros and cons list for living in Suva, Fiji and Pros and Cons of Living in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. A charming blog detailing the life and adventures of a diplomatic couple on their fourth posting: Frankfurt. Next up, they are going to Cairo, Egpyt.


Written by an FS Spouse. Past postings to the Philippines, Peru, Malawi, Kazakhstan, and India. 2010-2023. My favorite header image of all of these websites and blogs. Also, some of the best writing!

The Next Dinner Party

Emily is a writer who lives in Algiers, Algeria with her Foreign Service Officer husband and their two Diplocats. She spends her days trying to finish her first novel, procrasticooking, arranging and rearranging rooms, and planning her next dinner party. Hailing from Michigan, Emily has previously lived in Washington DCSana’a, YemenNew York CityMadrid; Jerusalem; and Rabat. Click here to learn more about The Next Dinner Party.

Sherwood Family Nonsense

A FS spouse writing about life with 6 children. Past postings in Egypt and Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Excellent post about living in Tajikistan – the kind that really helps with deciding if that’s a place you’d like to live.

Six Abroad

Discusses postings in Jordan and Turkey. Written by the spouse of a Foreign Service Specialist who describes themselves thus:

We are a family of six from Utah who on a crazy adventure. Jason and I spent the first 17 years of our marriage in the same county in the same state and then decided we needed some new sights and smells. We’re now getting those compliments of the Foreign Service. Jason is a former software executive who is now an Information Management Specialist. Erin is a former writer and editor who is now a full-time mommy.

Six Abroad:

Something Edited this way comes

Covers 2006-2019. The author has largely moved to Instagram, but this is a great blog for those who want to see a Foreign Service family with children grow up as by 2019, the eldest is at university, and the baby is now a teenager. FS spouse was formerly a copyeditor so this is very well written!

Trailing Spouse

Written in both German and English. A trailing spouse is the dual citizen male trailing spouse of a US diplomat.

Two Year Itch

Joined in 2013 and covers 2013-2017. Currently in Jerusalem. Last updated in 2017.

UnDiplomatic Wife

Ayessa, trailing spouse to a diplomat, mama to DiploBaby and DiploDog and founder of Declutter MNL. I love talking about how to achieve a minimal luxe lifestyle one step at a time.

The Vintage Diplomat

After many years doing other things, J became a Foreign Service Officer at the “certifiably vintage age” of 51. She is a consular officer, currently serving in Luxembourg. R is the spouse extraordinaire who makes it all possible.

Where in the World Am I?

Currently, in Washington DC, this children’s author and writer is also a Foreign Service Spouse. Past postings include Burundi, India, and Mali.

Wine and Cheese (Doodles)?

An NYC native who has spent time in Cyprus and Denmark focuses on the expat life with a deft writing style and wry humor. Her expat tool kit reads right into the heart of what it is like to be living in a second or third country.

Expats, perhaps more often than others, are thrown head first into new and confusing situations, and left to figure them out.

Dina Honour – Wine and (Cheese) Doodles

Woodland Travels

A blog covering 2008-2019. Posts include Belgrade, Serbia, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.

Retired Diplomats

Ambassador David H. Shinn

An adjunct professor of international affairs at The George Washington University, Amb. Shinn, who received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from GW, is a former U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia (1996-99) and to Burkina Faso (1987-90).

Beau Geste, Mon Ami

A retired diplomat who waded into the WEA world for a bit. A few years since it was updated, it is well written and contains quite a bit of information about life in Papua New Guinea.

Gadling – A Traveler in The Foreign Service

Gadling is a popular travel blog, created and maintained by a group of enthusiastic travellers and authors. It is the best source for anything from travel-related news to very specific recommendations and trip planning covering entertaining, fascinating, and useful travel tips. Blog posts by Dave Seminara (A Traveler in The Foreign Service) might be of interest. Dave Seminara resides in St. Petersburg, Florida, and is a journalist, retired diplomat, and traveller.

John Brown’s Public Diplomacy and Press Blog

A Princeton PhD, was a U.S. diplomat for over 20 years, mostly in Central/Eastern Europe, and was promoted to the Senior Foreign Service in 1997. After leaving the State Department in 2003 to express strong reservations about the planned U.S. invasion of Iraq, he shared ideas with Georgetown University students on the tension between propaganda and public diplomacy

Red Licorice and Jujubes

now retired diplomat who writes:

My title? My favorite candy as a child and I still can’t pass them up when I see them in the store! After several years in the Foreign Service travelling the world, I retired on July 1, 2014. What I’ve seen, who I’ve met and where I’ve been have been nothing short of amazing. I’m sad to see this chapter of my life come to a close, but retirement so far has been a blast. I’ve tried to chronicle my travels, thoughts and experiences here.

Ted Cross

Author and Diplomat Ted Cross writes about being a writer, what he is reading and his experiences in the world. Now retired (as at August 2023).

Well that was Different

Written by a now a “retired” Foreign Service spouse after seven tours in Latin America, Africa, and Europe. She blogs at Her reflections on repatriation and post FSO life are much welcomed.

Foreign Service resources

The American Foreign Service Association, established in 1924, is both professional association and exclusive representative for the U.S. Foreign Service.

AFSA functions as the representatives of the collective bargaining unit.

Public Diplomacy Resources

Note: I may have misclassified some of the blogs – for example, some may be written by tandem couples, or an FSO when I have placed them in the Diplomatic Spouses category. No offense is intended. Feel free to comment with information or clarification, and I’ll add an editSpouses or move as needed.

This post contains affiliate links. Affiliate links means we may earn advertising or referral fees if you make a purchase through this link, without any cost to you. All opinions are honest and all recommendations are based on our experiences.

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