We are planners. We value planning to succeed. So why would our adventuring be any different? For the last year, Dwight was planning training and racing about 4-5 months ahead at most. With his changing goals in terms of racing and moving to longer distances, planning further out is becoming more important.

Like most people, our work lives are pretty hectic. There are some additional complicating factors which we work around, but all in all, we plan because everything else can then be built around these plans. Lest you think this means we are rigid, we aren’t. We find that we are often more flexible because we have some structures in place.

We’ve even planned a couple of races on there for me – I’ve struggled with injury and adjusting to some auto-immune issues the last couple of years and haven’t done more than 5k races, but this next year I’m aiming to complete a sprint triathlon.

Because, my role is as support crew for RM’s longer races, I usually find ways to ensure that accommodation and transport for races are refundable or changeable. So too, we like races where there is a deferment option. This isn’t because RM is likely to withdraw, but because our lives and our work require our attention at short notice often and the fires we need to put out there aren’t always foreseeable.

How these plans  play out will be fodder for many of the posts you will find here over the next 18 months.


Listening. Observing. Participating. Writing. Photographing. Reflecting.

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Anna Blanch_Gill Gamble_blogAnna Blanch Rabe is an Australian-born writer and photographer currently living in eastern New Mexico. She is an attorney (non practicing) and the Executive Director of a non profit. You can follow her adventure on Not A Pedestrian Life, or Facebook. More of her photography can be viewed here. For more domestic things take a look at Quotidian Home or her previous website, Goannatree.



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